

Thursday 15 September 2011

Home is where the danger is!

The ways  in which children can hurt or injure themselves in the home, the garden or at school are multiple.

Most accidents can be prevented with common sense. Maybe 40 % of the accidents are road traffic related, but that still means that most of the accidents occur in the home or the school environment.
  • accidental poisoning
  • falls
  • burns and scalds
  • occasionally thing like drowning
  • odd thinks like children getting caught up in curtains
Children who aren't mobile yest don't have many accidents. But once they start becoming mobile you get a big rise in the accident rate, with a peak at between about 15 and 17 months for a toddler at home.

Children have no sense of danger!
  1. Baby walkers can be quite dangerous! They give the babies extra speed and extra high and access to many hazards. They even may bend a child's leg bone. 
  2. Accidental poisoning accounts for a great number of visits to A&E. (Use of child proof caps on medicine bottles and cleaning products should be made mandatory)
  3. Other devices and safety equipment available for the home include padded or rounded corner covers for tables, flexible kettle cables and locks for toilets and fridges.
  4. New categories of injury being witnessed by A&E departments in the past year or two include trampoline injuries and serious injuries to young children using 'quad' bikes and mini motorized motorbikes.
  5. Car accidents account for about 40 per cent of injuries, worst injuries are seen in unrestrained children.
  6. 65 % of the car seats are either incorrectly fitted, or incompatible with the vehicle.
  7. Children safety stair gates or things like that should be used to avoid accidents like falling down from the steps,  or getting burned from the cooker.
In a nutshell, you just have to be a little careful about what can harm and what would be safe in your surroundings. Most of the times, you would not need to read about it and decide, your motherly instincts would let you know where to be careful and keep your baby safe!

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