

Friday 28 September 2012

Healthy breakfast tips for kids

Healthy breakfast tips for kids
Breakfast is really be the most important meal of the day. This is especially true for your child. Never skip breakfast! Eating breakfast is the secret to staying healthy. Studies show that kids who eat breakfast have better attention and focus in the morning. Other research shows breakfast eaters to have lower BMIs (Body Mass Index) than non-breakfast eaters. Kids who eat healthy breakfast tend to eat healthier overall and are more likely to participate in physical activities — two great ways to help maintain a healthy weight.

So, what is a good breakfast for your kid? Here are some healthy breakfast tips: 

Healthy breakfast tips for your child:

Cereal with Milk and Fruit:
1 cup whole grain dry cereal with skim milk or 1% low-fat milk — and any type of fruit (strawberries, banana, sliced peaches, blueberries).

For cereal options:
 Select a variety that has at least 3 grams of fiber and 6 grams or less of sugar per serving: Try, Barbara's Puffins (cinnamon or the Lightly sweetened), Multi-Grain or Plain Cheerios, Complete Bran Flakes, Kashi Heart to Heart or Mighty Bites.

English Muffin with Cheese:
Toasted English Muffin (whole wheat, or oat bran); with tomato slices and 2 slices of melted low-fat cheese -- plus optional fruit.

Toast with Peanut Butter:
1-2 slices whole wheat bread, toasted with 2 teaspoons of peanut butter and a glass of skim milk. Also, the option for one piece of fruit.

Frozen Waffles and Yogurt:
 Frozen waffles, toasted (*look for calcium-fortified – whole grain) with a container of non-fat, flavored yogurt topped with berries. Or, for the protein portion of this meal, ….you may want to skip the yogurt and instead spread peanut butter on your waffles – add a glass of skim milk.

Yogurt, Granola and Fruit:
 1/3 cup low-fat granola cereal mixed into a container of non-fat, flavored yogurt– with cut up fruit

Eggs and Toast:
Egg white omelet made from 1 whole egg plus 2-3 egg whites – with 1 slice of low-fat cheese – any veggies – with 1-2 slices of whole wheat toast. Optional fruit.

Oatmeal with fruit:
1 packet of the plain or apples/cinnamon oatmeal (or ½ cup dry, plain oats) – made with water and some low-fat milk – plus fresh fruit and a glass of milk.
Apple slices with peanut butter. Cut one apple into thin slices and top with 1-2 tablespoons of peanut butter. Include a glass of milk, string cheese, or small container non-fat flavored yogurt. 

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