

Friday 11 May 2012

Why Chess helps intellectual development?

Chess is an amazing game and an excellent game for kids. It teaches them strategic thinking, logic and it's fun, too!
There is no particular age which is the best age and that chess is a game which can be taken up by any individual during any stage in his life, but I think you can start to teach your child at a very early age. 
Susan Polgar and her two younger sisters, Grandmaster Judit and International Master Sofia, were part of an educational experiment carried out by their father László Polgár, who sought to prove that children could make exceptional achievements if trained in a specialist subject from a very early age.
Surprisingly, chess is considered to be one of the best games for children and even though achieving mastery at it is an arduous task, the game can prove to be a good alternative not only for keeping children engaged but also proving beneficial to them in a number of ways. 

Why You and Your Kids Should Play Chess?
It teaches children to have some fun in life and to spend time with family and friends.
It improves both creativity and problem-solving ability, which are great for math class and for                     life after high school.
Trying to play chess well forces kids to consider all their options and to consider the consequences of their actions.
It helps to learn to work within a system (the rules) and within a budget (the pieces) to achieve your goal.
It promotes civility and good sportsmanship.
It  teaches you to win gracefully, to lose with dignity, and to not give up.

However, as it is a complex game, there are some guidelines which should be kept in mind by parents while introducing this game. The child should be given sufficient time to learn the basics in accordance with his capabilities.
Get the best Chess books from here, they are easy to read so that children can understand them. 

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