

Thursday 22 September 2011

Make your home safe for your child!

Make sure your indoor and outdoor areas are safe for your children!

Home safety is easy, you only have to follow some guidelines and check the danger sources.
We give you a little checklist, go and see if your home is safe?

  • ·         Put the high chair out of the way of doors, thoroughfares and surfaces
  • ·         Don’t use tablecloth
  • ·         Make sure your floor is non-slip and free from grease, mop up any spills
  • ·         Gastroenteritis can risk for a battled baby, so sterilise all equipment you feed with
  • ·         Use special safety guards for your cookers
  • ·         All sharp objects are kept out of reach and locked up
  • ·         Don’t leave hot foods and drinks, where your child can reach them
  • ·         Make sure, pot handles are turned inward and back burners are used
  • ·         Keep electric appliances out of reach, unplugged and away from water
  • ·         Food temperature should always be tested before serving
  • ·         Microwaved foods and drinks should always be mixed well after heating
  • ·         Avoid using foods that can cause choking, cut food into small pieces
  • ·         Make sure, that garbage and plastic bags are kept out of reach or disposed of
  • ·         Set  fire extinguisher
  • ·         Never leave children  unattended in a high chair or while eating

  • ·         Children need to be always supervised in the bathroom
  • ·         A non-skid mat is used in the bathtub
  • ·         Check the temperature of water with your wrist or elbow before giving your child a bath
  • ·         Medications, mouthwash and perfumes should be out of reach and locked up.
  • ·          Soaps, shampoo, toothpaste and cosmetics are kept out of reach
  • ·         Chemicals and toilet-brush should be locked away

Bedrooms and Playrooms:
  • ·         Buy a sturdy cot with rounded edges. If the cot has side rail, make sure it is strong
  • ·         Don’t  leave electric or gas heaters in your child’s room when he is sleep
  • ·         Never leave the child alone
  • ·         Have your child’s change equipments close to the changing mat
  • ·         Firmly attach mobiles out of your child’s reach
  • ·         Use wall-mounted or ceiling lights
  • ·         Don’t use pillow in your babies cot
  • ·         Always use safety mattress with designed air holes which minimise the risk of choking
  • ·         Make sure, bedroom doors have no locks

Basements and Garages:
  • ·         Children are not left unattended in the garage
  • ·         The basement door is locked at all times
  • ·         Flammable liquids (including cleaning solvents) are stored outside of the house and are away from the furnace, hot water heater
  • ·         and other ignition sources
  • ·         Dangerous tools are always kept out of reach

Hall and staircases
  • ·         Make sure the banister supports are close enough together, to prevent your child sticking his head between them and running the risk of getting it stuck, or of a young child failing through.
  • ·         Put breakable items, as phones, lamps out of way
  • ·         Make sure, that front door closes properly, stairs well lit
  • ·         Use stair gate at the top and the bottom

General Areas:
  • ·         Emergency numbers are posted by the phone
  • ·         There is a working smoke detector, checked and cleaned regularly (batteries changed fall and spring) on each floor
  • ·         There is a working carbon monoxide detector in the home
  • ·         Fire escape routes have been planned and reviewed by the family
  • ·         Outlets are covered with safety devices where
  • ·         No sharp corners or points
  • ·         Litter bins emptied regularly
Important to make your children aware of dangers!

1 comment:

  1. This is very nice information. because our child safty is very important to us hence you may like baby care Strollers canopy/hood from
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