

Monday 12 September 2011

5 Child Safety Statistics

There she/he is!  Oooo! Eevery child has a purpose, and in order to achieve this purpose you, as a mother should take care of it. But first of all we should take care of our little one. Safety is first!

Did You know, that

-50 to 70 % of child injury occurs in the home?

-9 out of 10 injuries could have been prevented?
-Accidents are the commonest cause of death among toddlers?

In Ireland each year there are:

- 75          Child death
-15 000    Children admitted to hospital
-150 000  Children treated in A & E

The most common causes of injury are:

- Falls                             - 51%
- Cuts                             - 19%
-  Burns / Scalds              -13 %
- Poisoning                      -8%
- Choking                        -5%
- Road Traffic Collision   -3,4%

Risk of accidental injury:

Young children under 6 years of age are at the highest risk of accidental injury.

Where most accidental injury happen:

The most common place an accidental injury happen to a child is their own home. (The nurseries caring units are equipped with the necessary safety and security features.)

Article Sources

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