

PE Lesson Plan Nr. 4.

PE Lesson Plan:       4.

Day:                            Friday
Title of class:             Primary focus is Parachute -  ring a ring a rosy, popcorn, secondary focus is Refining existing skills such as hand eye co-ordination, listening and self awareness.
.Topic:                        Parachute -  Ring a ring a Rosy, Popcorn
Gender:                      Male & Female
Pupils Level:              Students will have some experience with the game in general but may not be familiar with the rules.
Pupils Age:                3-4 years old
Aims of session:         The aim of the session is to help the main three areas of development as the Cognitive, Affective and the Psycho-Motors.
                                    Cognitive domain:                  Children will memorise a nursery rhyme, explore new type of game
                                    Affective domain:                  Children will experience excitement and this makes them feel happy.
                                    Psycho-Motor domain:          Children will move, run, walk, and lift the parachute
Learning Outcomes: The game force children to listen carefully and memorise a nursery rhyme! It makes them successful, and happy Children will practice gross, and fine motor skills, they will also learn listening skills.
Equipments:              Lots of space
A proper size parachute
10 -12 small balls, e.g.: Tennis balls

Warm up 8-10 minutes

Heads, Shoulders... 3-4 minutes

Have the children stand in a large circle. Then ask the children if they know where their head is. After they all say yes, then repeat the step asking if they know where their shoulders knees and toes are.
After doing this and they are familar with the parts of the body begin to sing the song... Head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes... (as you sing the words they touch that part of their body). This is a great way to stretch out and this gives them an understanding of their body.

Hoops 3-4 minutes
Spread 4 different colour hoops around the floor space.
Children move around the space (run, skip, crawl etc.) until teacher shouts "hoop".
The adult covers their eyes and counts slowly to 3. Children have this time to run to a hoop.
The adult says the colour of one hoop. Everyone in this hoop is out. Repeat until you have a winner.
Children who are out can close their eyes and select the hoop colour.


Time and

Activity Development

Organization and

Teaching Cues


1-2 minutes
Students will prepare themselves for a game.
Safety Points: Make sure that all children can grab a handle, and they have adequate place to play the game. Children must have safe clothes, no chains, rings…,check the parachute is all right without any damage before activity. Explain to hold handles, while sit down.

Children stand around the parachute and grab handles.

2-3 minutes
Children hold onto the parachute and circle around while singing. At the end of the song they all fall down.
In the area of the badminton court

A Ring, a ring of Roses, A pocket full of posies,
Tish-yoo, a-tish-yoo,
We all fall down.

Time and

Activity Development

Organization and

Teaching Cues


1-2 minutes
Children hold onto the parachute
Teacher place a number of small plastic balls on the parachute
Safety Points:
Explain that children should hold tight the parachute and be careful
Gross motor skills,
Hand –eye coordination

3-4 minutes
Children  are now participating in the game of  “Popcorn”

In the area of the badminton court

Shake the chute to make the balls rise like popcorn.
Children are now participating in collecting the balls and the parachute.
In the area of the badminton court
Put balls into a basket
Lay parachute down and bigger children will help to put it away.

 Cool Down: 10 minutes    

"Getting ready for bed"
Stretching as we mime
·         Children pretend removing clothes,
·         Children pretend to wash teeth
·         Children pretend to read bedtime story
·         Children pretend hugging teddy bears,
·         Children pretend goodnight kiss,
·         Children pretend to 'asleep'.- children lying on the floor
Children will now form a circle and put their hands together and clap for a good lesson.

Take deep breath.

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